Compleat Angler

Compleat Angler began close to 50 years ago, when a group of committed fishermen got together with the aim of establishing a business where their collective buying power would afford them buying advantages over other independent fishing and tackle retailers.

Over that time the Compleat Angler brand has been synonymous with the tackle industry. It’s a brand that has immediate recognition with consumers, which in turn provides Members with instant credibility. The peace of mind from one of the longest established fishing tackle brands in Australia, is what drives customers to Compleat Angler stores and keeps them coming back.

Fishing is easy at a Compleat Angler store… Compleat Angler stores are friendly, owned by people who know how to fish and who love fishing. Our aim is to help you catch fish, have fun and enjoy angling wherever you go!

Our stores are located in most major fishing destinations and we’re happy to share the right advice to make your next fishing trip a memorable one. Being specialist fishing retailers we know fish, it’s our business to know tackle and we have the tips to help you enjoy your fishing even more.

Each store features an extensive range, with exactly the right gear for the local conditions and species, you’ll find “asking the locals” easy with us in most parts of Australia. So whether you’re an expert, specialist, Mum or Dad taking the kids for a day out, we’ll help!


Camping World

In 1985 a group of like-minded independent camping store owners joined together and formed a buying group. From 1988 the group traded under the banner, Leisure Action; the outcome was a competitive advantage over fellow independent stores and improved margins.

As the group grew the Camping World brand was launched and progressed to providing marketing, buying and member support through an enthusiastic team of staff. Camping World is now the largest independent camping retailer in Australia.

At Camping World we pride ourselves on being your “outdoor specialist”. Our stores are locally owned with a strong focus on serving the needs of their local community.

Whether you’re the dedicated camper, either expert or novice, we at Camping World aim to serve you in all your active outdoor pursuits!